This is the progress report of a patient, Jaswant Kalsi. The patient was suffering from Diabetes since about 22 years and was using Inj. Insulin, three times daily. In spite of that the fasting blood sugar was never below 200 mg/100 ml. She developed gangrene of the foot towards the end of the year 2008 and was advised above-ankle amputation. On somebody’s(a beneficiary of Ganoderma) recommendation, the patient was brought to me. The patient and the relatives were informed in clear terms that the toes, which had completely dried up and shrivelled, could not be saved at all and that efforts could be made to save the limb, if God wills. The patient was put on Ganoderma supplementation orally and the gangrenous wound was treated vigorously with profuse sprinkling of Ganoderma powder locally. Presently, the wound is completely healed with normal skin formation. The patient has given up Inj. Insulin and the fasting blood sugar is in the range of 80-120 mg/100 ml.